3500 anos atrás, os Hititas eram um dos mais poderosos impérios do médio oriente. O Código dos Nesilim, o nome que os Hititas davam a si mesmos, mostra como esta civilização era avançada para o seu tempo.
Os artigos abaixo são os 2 melhores exemplos do que pode acontecer quando um estado procura regular tudo, mas mesmo tudo, na vida dos seus cidadãos.
187. If a man have intercourse with a cow, it is a capital crime, he shall die. They shall lead him to the king's hall. But the king may kill him, the king may grant him his life. But he shall not approach the king.
199. If anyone have intercourse with a pig or a dog, he shall die. If a man have intercourse with a horse or a mule, there is no punishment. But he shall not approach the king, and shall not become a priest. If an ox spring upon a man for intercourse, the ox shall die but the man shall not die. One sheep shall be fetched as a substitute for the man, and they shall kill it. If a pig spring upon a man for intercourse, there is no punishment. If any man have intercourse with a foreign woman and pick up this one, now that one, there is no punishment.
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